
  1. Heissenberger C, Rollins JA, Krammer TL, Nagelreiter F, Stocker I, Wacheul L, Shpylovyi A, Tav K, Snow S, Grillari J, Rogers AN, Lafontaine DLJ, Schosserer M (2020). The ribosomal RNA m5C methyltransferase NSUN-1 modulates healthspan and oogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans. Elife 2020 Dec 8;9:e56205. Free full text available on Pubmed_________________________________________________________________________________
  2. Lan J, Rollins JA, Zang X, Wu D, Zou L, Wang Z, Ye C, Wu Z, Kapahi P*, Rogers AN*, Chen D* (2019). Translational Regulation of Non-autonomous Mitochondrial Stress Response Promotes Longevity. Cell Rep. 2019 Jul 23;28(4):1050-1062. Free full text available on PubMed.   * – co-corresponding authors _________________________________________________________________________________
  3. Rollins JA, Shaffer D, Snow SS, Kapahi P, Rogers AN* (2019). Dietary restriction induces posttranscriptional regulation of longevity genes. Life Sci Alliance. 2019 Jun 28;2(4). Available on PubMed   * – indicates corresponding author _________________________________________________________________________________
  4. Adamla F, Rollins J, Newsom M, Snow S, Schosserer M, Heissenberger C, Horrocks J, Rogers AN*, Ignatova Z* (2019). A Novel Caenorhabditis Elegans Proteinopathy Model Shows Changes in mRNA Translational Frameshifting During Aging. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry   Free full text available on PubMed  * – co-corresponding authors _________________________________________________________________________________
  5. Rollins, J and Rogers, AN* (2017). Chapter 13: Translational control of longevity in “Ageing: Lessons from C. elegans,” eds. A Olson and MS Gill, Springer Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-44703-2_13 PDF _________________________________________________________________________________
  6. Rollins, J, Howard, A, Dobbins, S, Washburn, E, and Rogers, AN* (2017). Assessing healthspan in C. elegans: Lessons from short-lived mutants. Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences Pubmed  PDF _________________________________________________________________________________
  7. Howard, A, Rollins, J, Snow, S, and Rogers, AN* (2016). Reducing eIF4G/IFG-1 improves survival under ER stress in a manner dependent on cytoplasmic heat shock response factor HSF-1 in C. elegans. Aging Cell PubMed PDF _________________________________________________________________________________
  8. Coffman, JA, Rieger, S, Rogers, AN, Updike, DL, and Yin, YP (2016). Comparative Biology of Tissue Repair, Regeneration, and Aging. NPJ Regenerative Medicine. doi:10.1038/npjregenmed.2016.3 PDF _________________________________________________________________________________
  9. Wilson-Edell KA, Yevtushenko MA, Rothschild DE, Rogers AN, Benz CC* (2014). mTORC1/C2 and pan-HDAC inhibitors synergistically impair breast cancer growth by convergent AKT and polysome inhibiting mechanisms.” Breast Cancer Research and Treatment PubMed _________________________________________________________________________________
  10. Howard, A, and Rogers, AN* (2014) “Role of Translation Initiation Factor 4G in Lifespan Regulation and Age-related Health.” Ageing research reviews PubMed PDF _________________________________________________________________________________
  11. Rogers, AN*, Di Chen, Gawain McColl, Gregg Czerwieniec, Krysta Felkey, Bradford W. Gibson, Alan Hubbard, Simon Melov, Gordon J. Lithgow, and Pankaj Kapahi* (2011). Lifespan extension via eIF4G inhibition is mediated by post-transcriptional remodeling of stress response gene expression in C. elegansCell Metabolism, 14 , 55-66. PubMed _________________________________________________________________________________
  12. Kapahi, P., Chen, D., Rogers A. N., Katewa, S. D., Li, P. W-L., Thomas, E. L., Kockel, L. (2010). With TOR, less is more: a key role for the conserved nutrient-sensing TOR pathway in aging. Cell metabolism, 11(6):453-6. PubMed _________________________________________________________________________________
  13. McColl, G., Rogers, A. N., Alavez, S., Hubbard, A. E., Melov, S., Link, C. D., Bush, A. I., Kapahi, P., and Lithgow, G. J. (2010) Insulin-like signaling determines survival during stress via posttranscriptional mechanisms in C. elegansCell Metabolism 12(3) pp. 260 – 272. PubMed _________________________________________________________________________________
  14. Zid B. M., Rogers, A. N., Katewa S. D., Au Lu, T., Benzer, S., and Kapahi, P. (2009) 4E-BP modulates lifespan and mitochondrial translation upon dietary restriction in Drosophila. Cell.139(1), 149-160. PubMed _________________________________________________________________________________
  15. Pan K. Z., Palter, J. E., Rogers, A. N., Chen, D., Olsen, A., Lithgow, G. J., and Kapahi, P. (2007). Life Extension by Inhibition of mRNA Translation. Aging Cell, 6:111-119. PubMed _________________________________________________________________________________
  16. Rogers A. N. & Kapahi P. (2006). Genetic mechanisms of lifespan extension by dietary restriction. Drug Discovery Today: Disease Mechanisms, 3:5-10. DOI _________________________________________________________________________________
  17. Blumerman, S. L., Herzig, C. T., Rogers, A. N., Telfer, J. C., and Baldwin, C. L. (2006). Differential TCR gene usage between WC1− and WC1+ ruminant gammadelta T cell subpopulations including those responding to bacterial antigen. Immunogenetics, 58(8), 680-692. PubMed
  18. Rogers, A. N., Van Buren, D. G., Zou, B., Herzig, C., Lahmers, K., Brown, W., Telfer, J., and Baldwin, C. L., (2006). Characterization of WC1 co-receptors on functionally distinct subpopulations of ruminant gammadelta T cells. Cellular Immunology, 232, 151-161. PubMed
  19. Rogers, A. N., Van Buren, D. G., Hedblom, E., Tilahun, M. E., Telfer, J. C., and Baldwin, C. L. (2005). Function of ruminant gammadelta T cells is defined by WC1.1 or WC1.2 isoform expression. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 108, 211-217. PubMed
  20. Rogers, A. N., Van Buren, D. G., Hedblom, E., Tilahun, M. E., Telfer, J. C., and Baldwin, C. L. (2005). Gammadelta T cell f unction varies with the expressed WC1 coreceptor. Journal of Immunology, 174, 3386-3393. PubMed
  21. Sathiyaseelan, T., Rogers, A.N., and Baldwin, C. L. (2002). Response of bovine gammadelta T cells to activation through CD3. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 90, 155-168. PubMed
  22. Baldwin, C. L., Sathiyaseelan, T., Naiman, B., White, A. M., Brown, R., Blumerman, S., Rogers, A.N, and Black, S. J. (2002). Activation of bovine peripheral blood gammadelta T cells for cell division and IFN-gamma production. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 87, 251-259. PubMed
  23. Rogers, A. N., Welte, S., Black, S. J., and Baldwin, C. L. (2002). Partial cDNA sequences of bovine CD72 and CD166/ALCAM, ligands for SRCR-family accessory molecules CD5 and CD6. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 85, 233-239. PubMed
  24. Rogers, A. N., Bromwich, D. H., Sinclair, E. N., and Cullather, R. I. (2001). The atmospheric hydrologic cycle over the Arctic Basin from reanalyses: Part 2. Interannual variability. Journal of Climate14(11): 2414-2429. DOI
  25. Bromwich, D. H., Rogers, A. N., Kallberg, P., Cullather, R. I., White, J. C., Kreutz, K. J. (2000). ECMWF analyses and re-analyses depiction of ENSO signal in Antarctic precipitation.  Journal of Climate, 13(8): 1406-1420. DOI
  26. Bromwich, D. H. and Rogers, A. N.(1999). The El Niño-Southern Oscillation modulation of West Antarctic precipitation. In Ocean, Ice and Atmosphere: Interactions at the Antarctic Continental Margin, Antarctic Research Series, Volume 76.
  27. Shirer, H. N., Young, G. S., Wells, R., Rogers, A. N., et al. (1998). Identifying coherent structures in the marine atmospheric boundary layer.  In Air-Sea Exchange-Physics, Chemistry, Dynamics, and Statistics, edited by Gerald L. Geernaert, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 463-505. DOI
  28. Bromwich, D. H., Liu, Z., Van Woert, M. L., and Rogers, A. N. (1998). Winter atmospheric forcing of the Ross Sea Polynya.  In Ocean, Ice and Atmosphere: Interactions at the Antarctic Continental Margin, Antarctic Research Series. Volume 75, edited by S. S. Jacobs and R. Weiss, 101-133. DOI