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- Rollins, J and Rogers, AN* (2017). Chapter 13: Translational control of longevity in “Ageing: Lessons from C. elegans,” eds. A Olson and MS Gill, Springer Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-44703-2_13 PDF _________________________________________________________________________________
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- Howard, A, Rollins, J, Snow, S, and Rogers, AN* (2016). Reducing eIF4G/IFG-1 improves survival under ER stress in a manner dependent on cytoplasmic heat shock response factor HSF-1 in C. elegans. Aging Cell PubMed PDF _________________________________________________________________________________
- Coffman, JA, Rieger, S, Rogers, AN, Updike, DL, and Yin, YP (2016). Comparative Biology of Tissue Repair, Regeneration, and Aging. NPJ Regenerative Medicine. doi:10.1038/npjregenmed.2016.3 PDF _________________________________________________________________________________
- Wilson-Edell KA, Yevtushenko MA, Rothschild DE, Rogers AN, Benz CC* (2014). mTORC1/C2 and pan-HDAC inhibitors synergistically impair breast cancer growth by convergent AKT and polysome inhibiting mechanisms.” Breast Cancer Research and Treatment PubMed _________________________________________________________________________________
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- Rogers, AN*, Di Chen, Gawain McColl, Gregg Czerwieniec, Krysta Felkey, Bradford W. Gibson, Alan Hubbard, Simon Melov, Gordon J. Lithgow, and Pankaj Kapahi* (2011). Lifespan extension via eIF4G inhibition is mediated by post-transcriptional remodeling of stress response gene expression in C. elegans. Cell Metabolism, 14 , 55-66. PubMed _________________________________________________________________________________
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