
ANR100 larva 4h heat 40X


Our lab investigates gene expression remodeling under conditions that extend lifespan, particularly with respect to dietary restriction and points of post-transcriptional and translational regulation. Genetic variations and environmental conditions that result in lifespan extension are also associated with delaying the onset of age-related diseases including diabetes, cancer, and neurodegeneration. The goal of our lab is to understand how life-extending interventions work across different species and apply what is learned to inform therapeutic approaches to extend human health and longevity. Most studies are carried out in C. elegans, but comparative studies are underway in flies, fish, and mice.



Translation-mediated Adaptive Response to DR

Alternative Splicing/Nonsense Mediated Decay Adaptive Response to DR

Muscle Integrity Imaging Diagnostic Tool for C. elegans

Understanding the Influence of Aging on Regenerative Capacity using African Turquoise Killifish – new project! Stay tuned..



Translation-mediated Adaptive Response to DR

Alternative Splicing/Nonsense Mediated Decay Adaptive Response to DR

Muscle Integrity Imaging Diagnostic Tool for C. elegans